Clones Parish
Clogher Diocese
Co. Monaghan, Ireland


The Church Choir

The church choir and organ music has always been an integral part of the 12.00pm Mass, the Christmas Masses, and the religious ceremonies held in the church throughout the year. In recent years the senior choir takes part in Saturday evening Mass, while the folk choir takes part in the 12.00pm Sunday Mass. Much justifiable praise has been bestowed on the church choir. Perhaps the importance and value of the choir is best illustrated by the awarding of the Bene Merenti medal, on 16th July 1968, to Peter MacCarney Snr., for his services to the church. He had been conductor of Clones church choir for some thirty years.

The choir is now under the musical direction of Emily McMeel who started working with the choir in February 2015.  The Senior Choir has 27 members at present who rehearse weekly on Thursdays from 8 – 9pm.


St Vincent de Paul

085 2417455


Do you have a Gambling Problem? Dunlewey is pleased to announce a dedicated, localised counselling service for problem gambling in Ireland. The service provides a safe, confidential way for people to talk about their situation, and offers an opportunity to explore the causes of their gambling behaviour and the effects gambling has on personal and family life.THIS FREE COUNSELLING SERVICE CAN BE ACCESSED THROUGH A FREE HELPLINE 1800 936 725


Do you feel you have been unfairly dismissed?: Have you been made redundant? Are you being treated unfairly in the workplace? Check out Employment Rights at Monaghan Citizens' Information Service at 23 North Road, Monaghan. Tel. 047 82622, email: or Carrickmacross InformationCentre. Tel. 0429663454, Carrickmacross Information Centre. Tel. 0429663454, email:



"Can’t talk to each other” Why not come and talk to Accord.: We provide a caring and supportive environment to help you find a way through any difficulties you are experiencing in your marriage/relationship. Ring 047.83359 between 10am – 2pm for an appointment. We can see you in either Monaghan or Carrickmacross during the day or in the evening. Please don’t let any shortage of money stop you making that call, our concern is your needs not your ability to pay.


Clones Family Resource Centre
Is about to launch a community audit of all households in the area, in order to establish the concerns and needs of our community.

Finding out what you want is the first step in making the demand for better and more services. A questionnaire will be delivered to every home at the beginning of next week.



Tearmann Domestic Abuse Service
Free Confidential Information and Support Service for Women in Monaghan and Cavan. Domestic Abuse is a pattern of power and control by one person against another; it can include Physical Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Financial Abuse. Tearmann provides Telephone support, Drop in or appointment based visits, Court Accompaniment, Theraputic childcare Service, Programme for school/community Groups etc. Tel: 047 72311, Mon—Fri 9am—4pm or Email


Citizens Information
Citizens advice service every Friday morning from 10—12.30 at the Cassandra Hand Centre. Contact Helen @ 047 52997


‘Do you need someone to talk to? Senior Help Line is a confidential listening service for older people by older people for the price of a local call anywhere in Ireland, LoCall 1850 440 444. Senior Help Line is open every day from 10 am till 4 pm and 7 pm till 10 pm, 365 days a year. ‘Senior Help Line ‘s trained older volunteers offer a friendly, listening and non-judgmental ear to all callers. So don't be alone with your problem. Lifting the phone lessens the loneliness.


St Joseph’s Young Priests’ Society

St Joseph’s Young Priests’ was founded over 100 yrs ago to help fund the education of young Irish students who were studying for the priesthood. The society has given many young men from impoverished homes who had a vocation, the opportunity to do God’s work. The society also assists overseas students. In 2007, for example 201 Irish & 690 overseas students received assistance of nearly 2 million euro. Due to an extreme shortage of priests and the recession in Ireland the society’s work is still of great value. The Clones branch meet on the last Tues of each month and collect an annual subscription of €10 from many people in the parish. A member of the branch will call with you over the coming months. All who pay become members of the society. Please pray forvocations. If interested in joining our branch, contact Larry Butler 086 8342312.


Legion of Mary
Legion of Mary meet every Wednesday night in the Meeting Room at the Parish Priest's house. Contact Yvonne @ 047 52503 for more details.

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